Benefits of massage

Identifying when your horse would benefit from massage therapy

Recognising when your horse could benefit from massage therapy

  • Behaving uncharacteristically ie. head throwing, ear pinning, general restlessness/ anxiety, irritation, biting/kicking

  • Being worked and/or competing regularly

  • Discomfort when being tacked up and ridden

  • Shortened stride length

  • Avoiding bending on one side

  • General stiffness

  • Rushing to jumps/ knocking poles/ refusing

  • Tripping

  • Difficulty picking up the correct canter lead

  • Difficulty collecting/ back hollowing/ lack of self carriage

  • Bucking/ rearing often during transitions or bending

Benefits of massage therapy


Massage has an incredibly extensive list of benefits, affirmed by research and the responses of each horse that has experienced a massage. Here are just a few:

  • Increased range of movement/ flexibility/suppleness

  • Increased circulation/ lymphatic drainage

  • Increased performance

  • Improves muscle tone

  • Reduces pain and can prevent injury

  • Warm up/ loosen muscles pre event

  • Aid in recovery post event

  • Helps with certain conditions such as arthritis

Reactions to look out for:

  • Yawning

  • Licking/chewing

  • Stretching

  • Pawing the ground

  • Relaxing

  • Snorting/deep breathing